Where I Stand On Issues:
First and foremost, my constituents need to understand the promises I make, I keep, so I want to be completely clear in my statements.

"North Carolina does not have an income problem, it has a priority of spending crisis."
Rep. John W. Rhodes (R) Mecklenburg
My record in voting against tax increases and fee increases is solid and consistent. I have consistently SIGNED A NO TAX INCREASE PLEDGE - I continue to OPPOSE any TAX INCREASES and/or FEE INCREASES. The legislature has extracted enough hard earned dollars from you, they have taken too much and it's time they start returning some back to the taxpayers. That is why I am a primary sponsor and will continue to push for passage of the Rhodes/Blust H.B. 492 TAXPAYER BILL OF RIGHTS FOR NORTH CAROLINA (TABOR) which would limit the growth in government spending, provide for a rainy day fund, and return money back to the taxpayer when the state has taken too much. More on Rhodes' TABOR for North Carolina Taxpayers and Families.
North Carolinians are overtaxed, overburdened, overregulated causing unnecessary hardships on small businesses, personal and family budgets. I continue to work with my colleagues to stop this taxpayer abuse of taking more from you, while the state delivers less and less. Where your tax dollars are concerned, you have the strongest voice in the House in OPPOSING TAX INCREASES and an UNCOMPROMISING "NO" VOTE AGAINST FUTURE FEE AND TAX INCREASES. Of the 120 members of the House of Representatives, I have the highest percentage of votes "against the Democrat and Liberal majority in the North Carolina House". This means that my voting record is the strongest record of opposition to the corrupt leadership and business as usual crowd in the House of Representatives.
Of the 57 Republican members of the House, I have a perfect score of 100 on the House Republican Voting Scorecard since entering the legislature as a freshman in 2003. Only four other members of the caucus have achieved the perfect record and the House Minority Leader score is 25.
There is more than enough money in Raleigh to provide for the core functions of government: protecting our citizens, building roads, providing for education, and caring for those who can least legitimately care for themselves.
North Carolina does not have an income problem it has a priority of spending crisis.
Embattled Speaker Jim Black continues to use SLUSH FUNDS
My record is solid on taking the lead in the North Carolina legislature in exposing the corrupt practices of legislative leaders and their fleecing of the North Carolina taxpayer. In March of 2005 when it was revealed by multiple media reports that legislative leaders were participating in the questionably illegal and unconstitutional use of SLUSH FUNDS to reward their legislative allies and willing participants in the "good ole' boy network" in Raleigh, I called for an investigation by the State Auditor and State Attorney General to look into these abuses of power and taxpayer dollars by the Speaker, Speaker Pro-Tem of The House, and President of the Senate.
I called for these leaders to immediately cease any further disbursement from their "Secret Funds" involving over $15 million dollars in taxpayer funds and for these leaders to immediately step down from their leadership posts while a full investigation could be conducted to determine the level and severity of the abuse of taxpayer dollars and the public's trust. No other lawmaker joined me in calling for these leaders to step down. Now over a dozen major newspapers across the state have called on the Speaker of The House to step down and a "damage control" Ethics Committee has been formed and members appointed by the Speaker of the House.
Rep. Rhodes defending the taxpayers and families of North Carolina.
There is hope for the North Carolina taxpayer, since I was elected to the legislature in 2003, former Agriculture Commissioner Meg Scott Phipps, former State Senator Frank Balance and his son have all gone to prison for their fleecing of North Carolina taxpayers. Now the Speaker of the House and his organizations and associations are being subpoenaed and investigated by federal and state authorities.
Now as a result of my work with my colleagues, a 24 hour waiting period to review the final budget has been practiced Rhodes' H.R. 1496 was proposed and the provisions in the resolution changed how the legislature operates in a more open and transparent way exposing last minute additions to the budget such as the Speaker's "EYE EXAM SCAMS" and other wasteful "PORK", such as taxpayer funding for a "Teapot Museum" as an example, costing taxpayer's millions and take resources away from core responsibilities of government such as providing for transportation and education.
I continue working hard with my colleagues to change the budget and legislative process and restore integrity to our state legislature and working with my colleagues we have been successful in changing the process but there is still a lot of work yet to do.
"Bottom line, if you are in the United States and you are not here legally, you are placing undue burdens on law abiding taxpayers and citizens and need to be deported immediately and then become a citizen in the legally prescribed manner."
Rep. John W. Rhodes (R) Mecklenburg
In this session of the General Assembly, State Representatives
John Rhodes, Blust, Holloway and Starnes introduced a bill that would tighten the requirements for getting a drivers license....The current leadership of our state must wake up to this problem.
U.S. Congresswoman Sue Myrick (R) NC
From her 9-Point Immigration Plan
North Carolinians are growing increasing aware of the devastating effects of illegal immigration in our state resulting in some cases deadly consequences. I am responding to this crisis and pushing to implement change.
In my home district, in Huntersville, a constituent was gang raped by a pack of illegals carrying North Carolina driver's licenses, criminals who should have never been here to begin with. That crime could have been prevented and should not have occurred.
The stories that come into my office on these and other issues where citizens have been harmed that never make publication is very troubling and I have responded to my constituent's calls for reform in this area.
North Carolina reports there are approximately 300,000 illegals in the state. The fact is that there is no way to tell how many illegals and undocumented are in our state driving up the cost of government by placing burdens on our overcrowded schools, hospitals, driving on our overcrowded highways (both with a N.C. Driver's license obtained through DMV / many without a license), and receiving state benefits. This session I worked with my colleagues and co-sponsored H.B. 1451 Reform Driver's License Issuance Criteria that would amend the law to not allow proof of residency by simply providing a letterhead as proof of occupancy to DMV officials, something that can easily be created on any computer. Additionally, it would not recognize Tax ID numbers in lieu of a valid social security number.
Additionally, I have sponsored H.B. 1018 - The Taxpayer and Citizens Protection Act which would require proof of U.S. Citizenship for individuals seeking to register to vote, to receive public benefits, or public assistance. If we can eliminate this drain on our resources and system it will help lower the cost of government and tax burden on those law abiding citizens who are overtaxed and underserved by this growing serious issue in our state.
I continue to work with Rep. Sue Myrick's office and other organizations on this issue and once again take the lead in the legislature working towards reform on this crisis issue in our state.
"I have and will continue to oppose any and all economic incentive schemes involving taxpayer's dollars to lure businesses to relocate to North Carolina which penalizes existing businesses who have helped build our state through their faithful corporate responsibility over the years."
Rep. John W. Rhodes (R) Mecklenburg
North Carolina is currently the highest taxed state in the southeast and one of the highest taxed states in the country. North Carolina ranks 36th in roads and 47th in education (SAT Scores). This triple combination discourages economic development and job creation for small and big businesses alike who may want to relocate to North Carolina and who choose to relocate to neighboring states with lower taxes and less governmental regulation.
Rather I will continue to support economic development by fighting to lower the overall tax burden, wasteful spending, and will continue to work for responsible prioritization of spending to the core functions of government. The tax incentive scheme in North Carolina has diminished to self-interested politicians announcing a ribbon cutting ceremony with little long term benefit when the full and factual analysis is done.
"There is no other institution that makes our society more prosperous with hope for the future than the presence of strong marriages and families and we have a charge as lawmakers to protect that for the future of our state and the citizens that we serve."
Rep. John W. Rhodes (R) Mecklenburg
I have co-sponsored and will continue to push with a majority of my House colleagues H.B. 55 The Defense of Marriage Act for North Carolina which would amend our state constitution to provide that "marriage is the union of one man and one woman at one time and that this is the only marriage that is recognized as valid in this state." A majority of Senators continue to push a similar bill as well.
North Carolina lawmakers join other states in protecting traditional marriage through constitutional amendments. Nineteen other states have already adopted similar protective measures and twelve additional states are expected to vote on this issue in 2006.
To protect North Carolina taxpayers, families and our existing marriage laws from legal attacks, an amendment to the State Constitution is needed.
We are fortunate to have strong marriage laws in place in North Carolina however the future of costly legal challenges by activists and others seeking to overturn existing statues and allow same-sex marriage in North Carolina is a reality a constitutional amendment would provide for additional safe haven. Read more on the North Carolina State Marriage Amendment
John and Gwen Rhodes enjoying nature

When I started this process of calling out the House leadership for their less than honorable tactics and wasteful spending, I had few supporters. Now that these very people are being subpoenaed to appear to answer for some of these deeds, the public understands what we have all been trying to fight.
The only way to win this battle is to keep up the good fight. I call it that because it is right. When you are struggling to keep taxes down, expose corruption, reduce wasted spending and end the litany of unreasonable rules in the House as I have, you have no choice but to fight. It is just and reasonable to expect the best for our citizens.
We cannot sit back and let the House continue business as usual. Today, others are adding their voices to mine. Representatives and newspapers alike are coming forward demanding changes. What began as a small reform movement is starting to blossom. More representatives are showing the courage necessary to overturn the rules that kill legislation which directly BENEFITS THE FAMILIES OF THIS STATE. Once reasonable representatives gain a majority, whatever party emblem we have, the taxpayers of this state will win.
I have asked and continue to ask others to join this fight. We can achieve our goals if we eliminate the old system of political patronage. If other elected officials truly want what is best for the people of this state they will PASS A TAXPAYER'S BILL OF RIGHTS, to protect our FAMILIES now and in the future. They will not kill the bill in committee as they have done. The taxpayers of this state have been lied to consistently by those they elected. They have taken control away from you in a most shocking manner.
I have had many conversations with my constituents. I know they understand what I am accomplishing and that this fight is not over. Now is not the time to quit. Vote for me in the primary so we can continue to fight the good fight!
