Click to read each letter of endorsement.
National Endorsements
State Endorsements
Regional Endorsements
CMS SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER - Larry Gauvreau - District 1
CMS SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER - Ken Gjertsen - District 6
College Republicans
Teenage Republicans
Sue Myrick (R)
Dear Republican Primary Voter:
"Rep. John Rhodes is working hard and is doing a great job in the North Carolina legislature. We need him there to keep up the good work for us."
Sue Myrick (R)
United States Congress
Former Minority Whip
Former State Representative
Former N.C. Gubernatorial Candidate
Fern Shubert (R)
Dear Republican Primary Voter:
"It is not my practice to do endorsements, but Rep. Rhodes is under attack because he has refused to play ball with the special interests who expect special treatment."
I know first hand that Rep. Rhodes is one of the hardest working representatives in Raleigh and that he works for the public. Not the special interests."
"Supporters of good government should support John Rhodes."
Fern Shubert (R)
North Carolina State Senator
Eddie Goodall (R)
Dear Republican Primary Voter:
"Will Rogers said, 'Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock'.
"Rep. John Rhodes is not running for re-election as diplomat. He is a conservative I trust and a legislator who has the courage to 'turn over rocks' in the General Assembly and get the hard work done.
"We need Rep. John Rhodes in the legislature to continue to win for taxpayers and families in his district and across North Carolina."
Eddie Goodall (R)
North Carolina State Senator
Mecklenburg - Union
Russell Capps (R)
"Dear Republican Primary Voter:
"It is my distinct honor to endorse Representative Rhodes to continue serving the taxpayers and families of the 98th district. His profound effect battling corruption in our state is resulting in the first real reform movement we have seen in many years. Rep. John Rhodes effectively fights to clear the path like a true trailblazer.
"With Rhodes leading the battle to create an atmosphere of integrity and honesty, I believe we can seriously address the most pressing issues facing our state. |
"As Rep. Rhodes states, we need to secure a Taxpayers Bill of Rights, and press for more local control of schools by letting voters decide the Deconsolidation Issue. This affects many districts.
"Equally important is that voters know, no amount of negotiating or dealmaking is going to solve our state's problems. We have to envision and execute reform. By changing the basic process as Rep. Rhodes has endeavored and succeeded in doing, we can improve our schools and have the funds remain in the budget to accellerate road projects, among other valuable items.
"Too many politicians focus on working within a corrupt system to gain some kind of advantage for their district, or worse they believe by attempting to work within existing rules they can get the funds for roads and schools, when in fact, they cannot. They only end up negotiating away MORE pork projects for others in hopes of securing what they want.
"I urge all primary voters to re-elect Representative Rhodes so he can keep working for all of us."
Representative Russell Capps (R) - Wake
Jim Gulley (R)
Dear Republican Primary Voter:
I am proud to endorse and wholeheartedly support the re-election of Representative John Rhodes for the District 98 seat he currently holds. For the past four years John Rhodes has been a relentless force for change in the way the North Carolina legislature has conducted business.
There are many achievements which mark Rep. Rhodes tenure in the state house. I believe the most significant is he exposed the corruption which commandeered our state government. By attacking the root of the problem in our budgetary process, John Rhodes has opened the door for true reform.
Rhodes pressed the issue for years while media and public learned about the extent of the abuses. While others wish to dismiss the importance of what has occurred, I agree with those who recognize the only method to enact reform to lower taxes, eliminate wasteful spending, build needed roads and improve schools is to have a legislature that conducts business openly, honestly and with complete transparency.
Rhodes forced the media to focus on budget irregularities causing leadership to allow review of the $17 billion state budget. This lead not only to the charges of corruption against the leadership, but also to the detailed listing of every pork project the House leadership created for its supporters. These projects are what drains our budget of its ability to meet the needs of ours and every other district in the state. Once the pork is systematically eliminated we will have all the funds necessary to build roads and schools, while lowering taxes across the board.
Rep. John Rhodes not only fought for these lofty goals, he is achieving them. We need to continue to 'fight the good fight' as he explains. No amount of deal making or desire to negotiate legislative votes for district rewards can ever tear down the artificial roadblock born of partisan political greed and corruption.
We are in the middle of this battle, which can be won, but only if we continue to support Rep. Rhodes - a man with the courage of conviction to pursue corruption, enact reform and secure the taxpayer bill of rights for the taxpayers and families of North Carolina.
I urge every primary voter to go to the polls on May 2nd and vote for John Rhodes.
Thank you,
Representative Jim Gulley (R)
Doug Vinson (R)
Dear Republican Primary Voter:
"I support and endorse Rep. John Rhodes re-election. He has been invaluable to me and our party and should be allowed to continue his hard work on behalf of conservative Republicans in our state and his constituents in District 98."
Representative Doug Vinson (R)
Trudi Walend (R)
"Dear Republican Primary Voter:
"In Representative Rhodes I find a kindred spirit that understands what is truly important to taxpayers and families. He does not focus purely on his district, although they greatly benefit from his efforts. In dismantling the corruption that plagues the legislative process, Rep. Rhodes has confronted those who have the power to single-handedly defeat positive legislation.
"Previously, the House Speaker had the authority to block reform, keep raising taxes, expand the role of government unchecked and create a budgetary nightmare or exploding costs.
"At Rep. John Rhodes' instigation, with the most recent audits released, and many more to follow, we are seeing the old power structures disintegrate. Instead of running roughshod over what families need and want, the corrupt officials are being referred for prosecution or in some cases they are already in jail.
"As we move forward, I can envision a brighter future where money we set aside for road construction, for example, actually gets used for that purpose. Instead of the NCDOT having to delay projects, the legislature can make sure their funding is not drained for other purposes, like teapot museums. This pork project mentioned, sadly, made the top of the national lists of all time ridiculous expenditures by government. It has come to symbolize everything wrong with the budget process today. Rep. Rhodes has confronted the leadership and by his will, with media oversight, has been able to force detailed listing within the budget of such frivolous expenses.
"When we as a state decide to keep road funding in place, and improve schools, we will surely be able to do so more effectively and with greater results thanks to the conservative leadership of Representative Rhodes.
"If you believe as I do in true reform, securing a Taxpayer Bill of Rights and funding our essential services first, then you should vote for John W. Rhodes in the Republican primary this May 2nd."
Representative Trudi Walend (R) - Henderson, Polk, Transylvania Counties
Larry Gauvreau (R)
"Dear Republican Primary Voter:
"I fully endorse the re-election of Representative John Rhodes for the District 98 State House.
"John Rhodes has the support of many other local Republicans and is well regarded by others throughout the state for the good work he has done in Raleigh."
Larry Gauvreau (R)
CMS School Board District 1
Ken Gjertsen (R)
"Dear Republican Primary Voter:
"I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to return John Rhodes to the State House. We all have dreams of what can be accomplished in this state and with our school system, but no one has gone after the root cause of our problems - corruption - like John Rhodes.
"To call Rep. Rhodes a fighter is an underestimation. He takes on special interests and leadership regardless of their affiliation to move the state forward. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of corrupt power wielding in North Carolina thanks to John Rhodes.
"For all our futures I ask for you to go vote May 2nd to Re-elect John Rhodes. He is making progress and this is now time to turn back. Reform can only progress once we eliminate the powerful base of the House Speaker. Rhodes is doing just that. Remember to vote for John Rhodes."
Ken Gjertsen (R)
CMS School Board District 6
Dan Bishop (R) District 5
Bill James (R) District 6
Dear District 98 Republican Primary Voter;
We would like to express our support and full endorsement to re-elect John W. Rhodes to the North Carolina House of Representatives, to continue "fighting the good fight" in Raleigh in the upcoming primary election this May 2nd, 2006.
Both as county commissioners and conservatives we feel that John Rhodes has done an oustanding job in bringing light to the darkest recesses of government corruption, wasteful spending and political patronage costing taxpayers billions over the years.
It was John Rhodes who led the call to dismantle the liberal and corrupt North Carolina House leadership.
John Rhodes, often alone, pressed for better review of the nearly $18 billion state budget.
John Rhodes' actions have forced line by line budgetary details so the public can see exactly how much money is wasted on teapot museums, eye exam scams and political payoffs. (H.R. 1496 - a 24-hour Waiting Period to Review the Budget.)
John Rhodes managed to get school deconsolidation the attention it deserves, met with parents all over the district, and pushed for a vote supporting a public referendum (H.B. 1017 the Mecklenburg Education Freedom Act).
John Rhodes presses for tough laws so illegal immigrants who drain our budgets and terrorists who would attack our country cannot use North Carolina to obtain a driver's license (H.B. 1451 - Reform Driver's License Issuance Criteria).
John Rhodes fights and succeeds where others have not. He is a proven conservative, a proven leader and a man willing to put himself forward, and will not to just "go along to get along and bring home pork" but will do what is right for taxpayers and families.
We call upon all local officials to also wholeheartedly back the one man who has shown true courage of conviction in Raleigh to get the hard tasks completed - John W. Rhodes.
Please remember to vote in the Republican primary this May 2nd, 2006 as a win there will ensure John Rhodes returning to Raleigh for the taxpayers and families of District 98. Re-elect John W. Rhodes.
Thank you.
Commissioner Dan Bishop (R) - District 5
Commissioner Bill James (R) - District 6
College Republicans Endorse Rep. Rhodes
Charlotte, NC - The UNC Charlotte chapter of the College Republicans is dedicated to advancing the principles of ethics, limited government, and liberty. Sadly, very few people granted the privilege of elected office continue to tout these principles once elected. Representative John Rhodes is an individual who has remained a champion for such principles, even after the passing of elections, and he stands boldly by them.
The UNC Charlotte College Republicans happily announce our official endorsement of Representative John Rhodes for his re-election bid. It is our hope that the good citizens of House District 98 will send Representative Rhodes back to Raleigh to fight for the people of North Carolina. An uncommon find in a county, city and state replete with Republicans who have abandoned all vestments of conservatism, and liberals who would not know fiscal responsibility if it broadsided them, Rhodes has developed a reputation for standing firm for his principles. He is a man engrained with personal integrity, and encourages all those he encounters to exercise that increasingly-lacking value.
Rhodes automatically votes "No" to any and every tax increase. He votes in favor of traditional family values and legislation limiting the role of the government. He led the call for the deconsolidation of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.
John Rhodes has led the effort to expose corruption in the General Assembly, and his efforts have lead to the State Board of Elections' investigation of Speaker Jim Black. Over one year ago, he began the call for Speaker Black and Speaker Pro Tem Morgan. Staging one-man picket protests outside Jim Black's district office, Rhodes often draws a crowd with his truthful, piercing rhetoric.
Representative Rhodes can count on the support of the UNC Charlotte College Republicans. We hope God will bless and guide the Rhodes campaign on to victory.
The UNC Charlotte chapter of the College Republicans
Teenage Republicans
Just a day after Rhodes' opponent claimed invisible support from the high school community where he serves as PTA President, instead, the actual endorsement from the student organization has come down squarely in favor of Representative John Rhodes.
Dear District 98 Republican Primary Voter;
"While traditionally neutral in primary elections, the Teenage Republicans of Hopewell High School have officially endorsed Rep. John Rhodes in his re-election campaign for his District 98 seat in the North Carolina House of Representatives. What makes this especially groundbreaking is the fact that his opponent is our PTA President, whom we've all come to know first hand. We have little confidence his opponent can serve our district with the same distinction and courage as Rep. John Rhodes.
"While there may come a time when his opponent's compromising platform could be effective, with the General Assembly in its current state of corruption and disarray, District 98 needs strong, unwavering, conservative leadership. For two terms now, Representative Rhodes has been a crusader. He has relentlessly fought against higher taxes, befuddling government bureaucracy, and corruption. He was the first to call for Speaker Jim Black's resignation, the first to endorse deconsolidation, and will always be the first to support lower taxes and your rights.
"A vote for Representative John Rhodes is vote for better government, better schools, and a better tomorrow.
"So long as he continues to fight for the constituents of District 98, Hopewell Teenage Republicans will continue to fight for Representative John Rhodes."
Thank you.
Teenage Republicans
